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One of the biggest mistakes I made in my love life was investing years of my life in a relationship which wasn’t the relationship I really wanted.

There were many reasons why I stayed in that unhappy and unfulfilling relationship but underneath all of the reasons and excuses I used to stay was believing that things would get better.

I continued to invest my precious time hoping that things would be like they were in the beginning..the very beginning
It was one of the most painful learning lessons I have experienced in my life and my decision to stay cost me in every way possible, physically, emotionally, spiritually AND financially.
My biggest takeaway from that experience is that there is a time to walk away and there is a time to stay and invest in a relationship.

If you don’t know when that time is, it’ll cause you to invest your time in a relationship that will never lead to the relationship you really want, even if that relationship started out great “in the beginning.”

To find out when it’s the right time to walk away WATCH THIS…https://youtu.be/Tz72zP4J3T0


Love Mentors helping women over 50 find, magnetize & attract the love they desire and deserve.