Here’s How To Meet A Quality Man

I wish I could tell you that there was a special place where all the quality guys congregated, but the TRUTH is, there isn’t. That’s the bad news. But the good news is, they’re out there and they’re looking for love and that one special person to share their life with…just like you! So how do you find one of …

How to Earn a Man’s Respect

Do you often wonder if chivalry is dead? Are there any gentleman out there who know how to respect women? Well, the answer is yes! And even though the number of these men may appear to be dwindling, there are still a ton of guys that know how to respect women. But here’s the deal. These men will only respect …

Are You Unknowingly Scaring Men Away?

Did you know that there are specific things quality men look for when trying to find that one special woman to share their life with? And just like there are things that indicate it’s a good idea to pursue a woman, there are also red flags which tell these men it’s best to move on. So what are those things …

How to Get a Man to Want to Commit to You

Have you ever wished you knew the secret to getting a guy to decide that you are the woman he wants to share his life with? Are there specific things that you must do which will make you stand out from all of the other single women and get a man to want to commit to you? Yes, there are! …

Insights Into The Behavior Of Men

In today’s video I pull back the curtain and give you some insights into the behavior of men. If you’re a woman who has been walking the face of the earth for more than a few years, you’ll probably find the things men do as confusing, frustrating and even depressing, especially if you’re trying to find a guy who appears …

Why Guys Suddenly Disappear and Ghost Women

Let’s face it some of the shit guys pull is not only frustrating, it’s depressing. Well, I wish I could say that I never did any of that stuff that drives you crazy and annoys you, but the truth is, when I was younger I did almost every one of those things that you don’t like. So today I wanted …

Why Men Don’t Put As Much Effort Into A Relationship As Women

>Do you feel as if women are doing all the work to improve themselves and become better relationship partners? Well, there’s a lot of truth to that, but it’s not completely true. Although most guys are too selfish and self-absorbed to admit they’ve got to change the way they treat women, there are a lot of good men out there …

The 5 Biggest Lies Guys Tell Women (and Why They Tell Them)

Have you ever had a guy look you in the eye and tell you something only to find out a short while later that he wasn’t telling you the truth? If so, you’re going to love this video because you’re going to learn the 5 Most common lies guys tell women and the reasons why they tell them. If you’ve …