Here’s How To Meet A Quality Man

I wish I could tell you that there was a special place where all the quality guys congregated, but the TRUTH is, there isn’t. That’s the bad news. But the good news is, they’re out there and they’re looking for love and that one special person to share their life with…just like you! So how do you find one of …

The Best Advice To Quickly Improve Your Love Life

Do you have a hard time with your friends and family members giving you advice on your love life, even though some of them are not in healthy marriages or haven’t been single for decades? Are you searching the internet looking for answers, but there are so many“experts” offering their advice that you have a hard time deciphering who’s legit …

Are You Too Picky?

Do you often wonder if you’re too picky? You know that if you’re going to be in a relationship there are certain requirements you should have when picking a partner. But have you ever wondered if you’re asking for too much or your list of requirements are too demanding, and that may be why you’re having trouble finding the man …

Do You Ever Feel Like You Need A Break From Dating?

If you’re like most single women you’ve gotten to the point in your life where you decided to take a break from dating because the thought of continuing to put yourself out there and deal with the constant disappointment and frustration of dating in today’s world wasn’t something you wanted to subject yourself to anymore, right? Well, in today’s video …

How To Date Safely and Successfully During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Staying at home and shutting yourself off from the rest of the world, is not only unnatural, it’s unhealthy. In fact, recent research has shown that the number of mental and emotional health issues such as anxiety, depression, extremely loneliness and alcohol and illegal drug use is increasing drastically. This pandemic is real, and if you’re at high risk or …

3 Reasons Why Dating is Difficult For Most People

If you’re like most single people the thought of dating and putting yourself out there is about as appealing as jumping off the Empire State Building with a parachute! I get it. But what if dating didn’t have to be that difficult? What if you understood the reasons why most singles struggled with dating and you were able to use …

The Difference Between Finding and Attracting a Man

One of the biggest mistakes you may be making in your love life is trying to find a man instead of attracting one. Confused? That’s ok! In this video you’ll learn the difference and you’ll learn how not knowing this difference is making your love life more difficult than it needs to be! Watch Here…

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How To Date When Children Are Involved

I recently received a question from Andrea, one of the members of our GPS for Love FB community. There is a percentage of our GPS for Love community, that like Andrea, is divorced and in the process of having to date again. And if the thought of having to put yourself out there isn’t frustrating, overwhelming and stressful enough, having …

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The Difference Between Needing a Man and Wanting a Man

Did you know that there is a HUGE difference between needing a man and wanting one? It may seem like semantics, but not knowing about this difference may be one of the biggest reasons why you’re having a hard time attracting the love you’re heart is really looking for. In this video, you’ll learn about the difference between needing a …

How To Identify a Quality Man

Are you looking for a quality man to life with? If so, how would you recognize him when he came along? If he’s a nice guy, who treats you well and who has a good job, does that qualify? It may compare to some of the guys you’ve had relationships with in the past and it’s a good start. But …