Why Bill & Melinda Gates Are Divorcing After 27 Years

If you haven’t yet heard the news, Bill & Melinda Gates have decided to call it quits. So, what causes the 4th richest man in the world and his wife, who is also the co-chair of their Global Foundation, to end their marriage after 27 years? It’s simple. In fact, it’s the ONLY reason why any couple who was once …

The Best Advice To Quickly Improve Your Love Life

Do you have a hard time with your friends and family members giving you advice on your love life, even though some of them are not in healthy marriages or haven’t been single for decades? Are you searching the internet looking for answers, but there are so many“experts” offering their advice that you have a hard time deciphering who’s legit …

Why Vulnerability is Necessary If You Want A Love That Lasts

Do you have a hard time opening up because you’re afraid of being rejected or getting hurt? Do you struggle with knowing how much to share when you first start dating someone? If so, I invite you to watch this video to discover the TRUTH about vulnerability and the role it plays in attracting a quality man and a relationship …

How to Create a Relationships That Lasts

Does your love life feel like a giant game of Twister that never ends? Do you have a history of giving your all to a relationship but you always wind up back where you started, single and having to jump back into the dating pool? If so, this video is for you, as you will discover three things you can …

The Two Essential Ingredients of a Successful, Long-Lasting Relationship

When you’re first dating a guy what’s the first thing you look for? Physical Attraction? Personality? Sense of Humor? That he has a job and doesn’t still live in his mother’s basement? Well, these things are important, but if you’re going to create a relationship that’s going to last and stand the test of time, there are two things that …

The Importance of Setting Boundaries in Your Relationship

One of the best things you can to ensure you don’t waste your precious time in the wrong relationship with the wrong guy is to create clear boundaries. In this video, you’ll not only learn about the importance of having boundaries you’ll also learn three steps which will make it easier for you to create those boundaries and stick to …

How To Know it’s The Right Time To Walk Away

One of the biggest mistakes I made in my love life was investing years of my life in a relationship which wasn’t the relationship I really wanted. There were many reasons why I stayed in that unhappy and unfulfilling relationship but underneath all of the reasons and excuses I used to stay was believing that things would get better. I …